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Causes of Heavy Legs 5 years ago

 It is normal to feel heavy legs after a workout. However, if you have leg heaviness for not reason, then it may be a sign of a vein condition. The sooner you know of the cause for the heavy legs, the easier it will be to treat it. Before going to the doctor, you can try some home remedies to get relief. There are several causes of leg heaviness. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis just to be sure of the exact cause before determining the treatment for leg heaviness. Here are the common causes for heavy legs.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins and spider veins on legs can cause heavy legs. They look larger and knotty than the surrounding veins. You can check spider vein treatment cost to get started with treatment. Blood begins to pool in the legs due to veins losing elasticity and gravity. There are many reasons why varicose veins appear. Some of them include aging, obesity, lack of physical activity, standing or sitting for long hours and hormonal imbalances. The varicose veins can lead to blood clots that cause pain.


Training for long hours can give you heavy legs. If push yourself past your normal limit, you will overstrain your muscles. When the muscle has been overstrained, it will not have enough time to repair itself. The result is weak, sluggish, and heavy muscles. Most athletes who complain of the heavy muscles are runners and cyclists.

Restless leg syndrome

Having restless leg syndrome can lead to heavy legs. The syndrome causes the legs to become numb, jittery and shaky. Moving your legs is one of the remedies to restless leg syndrome. The legs will have a heavy feeling until you are able to move them. You can shake your legs or tap your feet to relieve the symptom.

Peripheral arterial disease

Peripheral arterial disease affects the arteries and veins. You may notice the symptoms when fat build up on the walls of the arteries. The fat build up makes it hard for blood to pass through. The vein disease in legs can cut off blood circulation to the legs. The result is heavy legs that ache and have cramps.


Being overweight can trigger many illnesses that lead to heavy legs. The heavy legs can also be as a result of the excess weight. Being overweight puts more pressure on your muscles, joints and leg tendons. It is especially the case when you stand for longer periods.


The other reason you may have heavy legs is due to pregnancy. The extra weight is that your legs have to carry when being pregnant can lead to heavy legs. During pregnancy, you may also experience increased water retention and reduced elasticity in the veins.

Chronic venous insufficiency

You may also have heavy legs due to chronic venous insufficiency. Your heart will have to work harder when taking blood back to the heart from your legs. The legs have one way valves that prevents blood from going back down. Some causes of chronic venous insufficiency make your veins to become weak and may lead to heavy legs.

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Are you suffering from painful varicose veins causing heaviness in legs, cramping and swelling? These are the symptoms of venous reflux. Don’t worry now lots of treatment options available for vein diseases at the vein treatment center. These treatment options are very effective and safe and are also covered by most health insurance policies. You must discuss your symptoms and disease with the best spider vein doctor and best varicose vein doctor for the treatment of spider veins and varicose veins respectively.

According to research varicose veins affects 72% of the women and 42% of the men in America. This disease directly affects their personal as well as professional life. However, there are treatment options available to get rid of this disease. Consult the top vein specialists for getting the best possible treatment for your vein disease.

What are Varicose Veins?

These are the swollen veins located in the lower extremities. It mostly affects the people whose works required long hours of standing. It can create difficulties for walking, standing or sitting for a longer period of time.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

The major symptom of varicose veins is the swollen blue or purple-colored veins which can be easily seen through naked eyes. In the worse condition, the symptoms are throbbing pain, muscle cramping, restless legs, heaviness in the legs, fatigue, itching or burning sensation in the skin, and extreme swelling of the ankles. If you find any of these symptoms then immediately visit the best vein specialist.

Causes and Risk Factors

Varicose veins are mostly caused due to venous insufficiency. Venous insufficiency occurs due to the pooling of blood in the legs which restricts the flow of blood back to the heart.

The various reasons that create this disease are pregnancy, hormonal changes in women, family history, childbirth, using birth control pills, obesity, and long hours of standing and sitting. Consult your vein doctor if you have any of these reasons.


This disease is diagnosed by the visual observation and examination of a vein specialist. Normally, ultrasounds are done to confirm the disease.


Various self-treatment options can be considered if your disease is at the initial stage. Some of the self-treatment options include regular walking, swimming, exercising, losing weight, wearing compression stockings, etc. These options will help to reduce the effect of the disease.

However, if your disease is at its higher stage then you need to consult a vein specialist for the treatment. Various treatment procedures include laser therapy, sclerotherapy, surgery, radiofrequency ablation, etc. Radiofrequency ablation is a less invasive and effective treatment. It is painless and requires very less recovery time.

Varicose veins affect an individual’s life personally as well as cosmetically. It is better to consult a vein specialist on time if you find the symptoms for varicose veins.

Vein Treatment Clinic has top vein specialists from around the world. We provide all kinds of vein treatments in our vein treatment center. For more information about our treatment procedures, visit our official website

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Varicose veins are the type of vein disease that occurs mostly in the legs just beneath the skin’s surface. These are clearly visible from the eyes giving an unpleasant and embarrassing look. These are blue, red or purple in color. These are swollen veins hence bulge above the surface of the skin. These veins are not dangerous to health, but it affects your self-confidence and looks so ugly. Varicose veins are the sign of dysfunction of valves. The insufficient flow of blood causes this disease. If this inefficient circulatory system is treated on time then it may lead to some severe complications.

Inside the veins, various valves are present which closes and opens to circulate the deoxygenated blood from the body to the heart. When these valves get damaged the blood gets pooled causing varicose veins.

Compression Therapy

Most of the vein specialists suggest compression stockings, socks and compression hose for varicose veins. The compression hose is designed in such a way that these balance the flow of fluid in and out of the limbs which increases the flow of blood. The use of compression therapy improves varicose veins disease.

Laser Ablation Treatment

Endovenous laser ablation treatment is one of the most effective treatments for varicose veins disease. It is an in-office treatment that can be performed under local anesthesia guided by ultrasound. The laser light seals the affected vein and the vein gets reabsorbed by the body with time.

But most people have a question in mind that is “laser ablation safe?” Well, the answer is “Yes”. It is one of the safest treatment procedures for the treatment of vein disease. There is no risk of skin discoloration, and you can resume your daily activities soon after the completion of treatment. It does not leave any unsightly marks or scars.

Sclerotherapy Treatment

It is another effective treatment for treating varicose veins diseases. The treatment procedure involves a sclerosant liquid injected in the affected veins causing swelling in the vein which blocks the vein. After a few days of the successful completion of the treatment, the veins fade away.

RF Ablation

RF ablation uses a thin catheter that passes thermal energy in the affected vein to seal the vein and damage it. This procedure is very safe and causes minimal pain and discomfort. It is performed under local anesthesia.


Clarivein is the most advanced and latest endovascular technique for the treatment of varicose veins. In this procedure, a very tiny rotating catheter is inserted in the affected vein with the help of the injection of sclerosant liquid.

But is Clarivein painful? Well, the answer is “No”. Clarivein needs a single injection. It is a painless and very effective treatment procedure. It gives faster and long-lasting results with minimal discomfort. 

Vein Treatment Clinic provides all kinds of vein treatments to our patients using advanced and latest techniques. We have a team of experts to treat all kinds of vein disease. For more information about our clinic and treatment procedures, reach us directly through our official website

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Worried About Legs Heaviness: Here’s what you should do 5 years ago

Know why vein diseases in legs happen and why is it so prominent? The reason being the veins in our legs carry blood to the heart. The veins have one-way valves that restrict the blood flow backward. This process requires so much pressure as the blood flow towards the heart is against gravity. Due to the pressure, the vein valve depletes, usually with increasing age. The veins swell up, get aerated and thus the blood doesn’t reach the heart well.


You must have seen your grandparents with the inflated veins, clearly seen on their hands and legs mostly. Though the chances of varicose and spider veins are usually a result of increasing age, the disease is quite commonly seen today.

Pregnant women, individuals with long-standing jobs, overweight or obese persons are most at risk.

The major causes of venous insufficiency are either a blood clot or severe vein infection or damaged veins such as varicose veins. The healthy veins the blood continuously flows from limbs back to the heart. Valves within the veins help restrict the back blood flow. Due to damage to these valves, the blood doesn’t reach the heart and thus it leads to various vein insufficiencies. Sometimes severe that it may usher to chronic venous adequacies. Venous insufficiency is more common in women than in men. Lifestyle changes, medication and tiredness or tightness in the legs lead to poor veins. The other risk factors that cause venous insufficiency are;

  • Obesity
  • Blood clot
  • Varicose or spider veins
  • During pregnancy
  • Long-standing jobs cause leg heaviness
  • Smoking
  • Muscle weakness
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Someone with a history of varicose veins

Weakness in the leg muscles that push blood forward can also contribute to venous insufficiency.

When we unusually walk or use our legs more than normal, we feel tired. Similarly when we sit all day doing nothing, no movement our legs still feel tired. So what should one do? To avoid leg heaviness, if one is overweight, they must lose weight. Every one of us is aware of “smoking is injurious to health”, it indeed is and is one of the leading causes of leg heaviness. Other causes that lead to leg heaviness or tired legs include;

  • Poor blood circulation
  • Varicose veins or spider veins
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Blood clot
  • Muscle cramp
  • Pain or muscle spasms

How to treat legs heaviness? In order to treat leg heaviness, one should stop smoking, drink plenty of water and maintain optimal weight. Other treatments for leg heaviness comprises of self-care and medical procedures;

  • Take days off from intense workout, do easy exercises such as jogging;
  • Sleep with elevating legs about 6-12 inches above the level of your heart;
  • Wear compression stockings to help promote the blood flow;
  • Be active
  • Avoid long-standing work, walk every 30-minutes to reduce pressure on legs due to long-standing work.
  • The relief from leg pain and fatigue through medical procedures includes; RF Ablation and Endovenous Laser Ablation in case of severity of the issue.

Varicose veins and spider veins on legs are the major causes of chronic venous insufficiencies. One must take proper diet and avoid alcohol, sugar, and caffeine. Also, it is important to have an optimal amount of rest and maintain a good posture to avoid vein infections.

Varicose veins and spider vein treatment cost depends on the severity of the issue and individual vein anatomy. There are several treatments which cost different depending upon the type of venous insufficiency. The treatment cost thus varies with varied treatments, procedure and individual’s vein characteristics. Consult your doctor about the procedure, cost and insurance well before going for the treatment.

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Veins Treatment: What are the options 6 years ago

Because today venous insufficiencies have become common, the treatment is much needed to avoid any severe consequences of these adequacies. A surgical procedure or Sclerotherapy or laser ablation and many other modern procedures are performed quickly by a vein surgeon.


Gone are the days when the surgeries were done by making a cut into the skin. With the advent of technologies today, a small incision is made directly while the patient is under anesthesia.

Compression hose for varicose veins may not completely treat varicose vein alone but help increasing pressure of the blood towards the heart. Yet wearing compression stockings is the first approach to try before and after the treatment. The support stockings help your legs squeeze helping veins to make the blood flow easy and quick. You can buy compression stockings to avoid the development of any new varicose or spider veins.

If you have a very serious case of varicose or spider veins there are other efficient treatment methods available;

Sclerotherapy Treatment: In this treatment method, the doctor injects a solution of foam made of different chemicals that scars the vein and then the infected veins should fade away.

Sclerotherapy is an effective, proven and efficient method to treat varicose veins. It is the most common method that doctors use. It has an efficiency rate of about 80-90%. Sclerotherapy doesn't require anesthesia and can be done in the doctor's office.

Laser Ablation Treatment: is the method of removing damaged and infected veins by irradiating it with a laser beam. Laser ablation is an ultrasound-guided technique that uses laser energy to close and heat up abnormal veins that lead to varicose veins. An ultrasound scan is performed and the veins to be treated are marked with a pen. It is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment procedure to eliminated varicose veins by heating them with a laser. The heat kills the walls of the veins and the body naturally absorbs the dead tissue and the infected veins die eventually.

Is Laser Ablation Safe? Laser ablation is generally safe and free of complications. The procedure leaves no major case of side-effects, as to insert a catheter; a small skin opening is required. Most of the veins are effectively treated leaving no scars. The rare case of side effects includes bruising or skin darkening, which can be corrected with Vitamin K cream.

RF Ablation: Radiofrequency ablation like Sclerotherapy is the most preferred treatment used by the physicians to treat venous insufficiencies. The procedure is most effective and less painful as compared to surgeries. RF ablation is also used in other health deficiencies and diseases such as lower back injury, neck pain or pelvic pain, etc. It is the best treatment for relief from any kind of pain or heaviness due to insufficient blood vessels. RFA is proven to be the safest way to treat forms of pain. It is generally tolerable and leads to least or no complications. The only risk associated with the procedure is bleeding or swelling at the site of insertion.

Clarivein: also Mechano-chemical ablation is a type newest ablation procedure which combines two approaches; mechanical destruction of the vein and a sclerosing agent to treat inflamed varicose veins. Clarivein is a device that uses a special type of catheter with a rotating tip. Now one may question Is Clarivein Painful? To answer this, it is the most advanced and new treatment, which causes the least complications as compared to any other process. The procedure leaves no bruising or pain. There’s no need to use tumescent anesthesia. The process is quick, simple and non-surgical with the best results and no side effects.

Even before your appointment, you can begin self-care. Try not to stand or sit in one position for a long time, elevate your legs when you're seated, and avoid uncomfortable footwear. Consult the doctor well and ask any questions that bother you relevant to the procedure prescribed. Also, share any other deficiencies or vein insufficiencies with your doctor. The rest will cover in diagnosis and pre-exam.

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Top Vein Clinics Of USA: Varicose Vein and Spider Vein Specialists 6 years ago

Living in America? Looking for the vein treatment center nearby? Vein treatment clinic is one of the top USA vein clinics specialized in treating venous insufficiencies. Our centers are a network of state-of-the-art facilities dedicated to the treatment of all kinds of vein inadequacies.


We are the nation’s one of the best centers with about 12 multiple convenient locations around the nation. With the mission to offer high-quality care and providing minimally invasive treatments to the patients, the center renders the best of veins specialist doctors. 

Through quality and compassionate care, our vein center aims to transform and enrich the lives of our patients. The center facilitates with top varicose vein doctors, aimed to provide a proper diagnosis, treatment, and care to the patients with minimal downtime and ultra-modern least invasive techniques.

The team of experts provides the best treatment to the patients with cases of varicose or spider veins and other insufficiencies. The vein treatment center offers comprehensive vein care and specialized treatment for venous insufficiency.

As a curious child, every one of us must have seen those thick, raised or aerated veins on our grandparent's or elders skin. These are actually superficial veins or varicose veins that develop with age as the vein valves deplete and become weak.

The veins work against gravity by redirecting the blood to the heart. For the proper functioning of the body, veins have to apply pressure to move blood upwards. This makes them weak over time and they start depleting. With the increasing age, the veins become more fragile and hence become vast and voluminous, leading to varicose veins.

Laser Vein Removal Centers of the vein treatment clinic offers a wide range of surgical and non-surgical procedures to treat venous insufficiencies. Over the years the perception of beauty has evolved yet the quest for a healthy and youthful appearance has never wavered. Our treatment centers specialize in a variety of treatments for vein disorders to help regain confidence and quality of life.

The doctors are dedicated to the quality of treatments and procedures based on an individual basis. The procedure is followed by a minimally invasive technique that results in quicker recovery.

Our treatment center provides the vein and laser clinic facilities with innovative and latest technologies designed to improve an individual’s appearance. Our treatment procedures are designed to suit the patient’s anatomy. With a wide variety of treatment methods available, including laser technology, we offer a spectrum of knowledgeable and specialist doctors who have devoted their lives in treating patients with chronic venous insufficiencies.

Our treatment facilities are available at various centers near you, providing our patients with every possible treatment option.

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How to Find a Qualified Vein Specialist 6 years ago

If you are one of those people who are suffering from the affliction of varicose veins, you may be also searching for a solution to your problem. Medicine and technology have come a long way over the years and now there exist many treatments for all levels of venous severity. Those considering seeking treatment may be thinking about where to get the best treatment from? In this article, let’s discuss vein treatment and specialists so you'll know all of your options.


Have you ever questioned what kind of doctor specializes in vein? The doctors, who study phlebology i.e., the study of venous diseases, are specialists who treat venous insufficiencies. These specialists include; dermatologists, radiologists, vascular specialists and others.

A vein doctor diagnoses and manages the condition of your veins and arteries commonly called blood vessels. The experts treat a range of health problems namely spider veins or varicose veins and other venous insufficiencies.

Before proceeding for the treatment our top vein specialists will diagnose you, do a physical examination and will figure out the best treatment according to your condition.

The time is changing, with the advent of technology; there are several treatments available today which are efficient and minimally invasive to treat chronic venous insufficiencies.

Nowadays, the best vein specialists offer duplex ultrasound techniques that are painless and effective in treating atrocious vein issues. At vein treatment clinic we source the best vein doctors around the world, to provide our patients with top facilities and state-of-the-art treatments.

In older days, surgeries like stripping were done which were painful and less effective as compared to the advanced technology today. Stripping is hardly done anymore. At the vein treatment centers, our best spider vein doctor and best varicose vein doctor facilitate advanced treatment which fortunately doesn't mean a long hospital stay or long recovery time. Our vein specialists make sure you have a comfortable, non-invasive treatment and that you are healing properly and as fast as possible.

There’s no need to make spider vein and varicose veins make you feel uncomfortable by wearing clothes to hide them. Vein treatment in the USA has now become simple, effective and efficient with the advent of modern technology and specialists around the world.

Selecting a helpful and knowledgeable specialist is very important who is friendly and truly cares and can make all of the difference in your experience. Friendly and knowledgeable specialists can ensure your procedures go smoothly and that you are recovering properly. Our Staff including the specialists, make sure you have a wonderful experience at the vein treatment clinic and centers with a fast healing process.

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Know about Top Spider Vein Doctors 6 years ago

Sclerotherapy by Top Spider Vein Doctors is a non-surgical technique that can treat most varicose veins and spider veins in the legs. Each sclerotherapy treatment takes approximately 20 minutes and the number of treatments depends on the severity of the problem. Most patients report no pain or report very mild discomfort. After the treatment you can immediately resume your normal activities and encourage exercise and walking.


The areas with vein problems tend to get worse with time, to prevent the expansion of the Leg Heaviness problem you have to start the treatment before feeling symptoms of pain, fatigue, irritation, burning and inflammation. You may also feel palpitations and restlessness, to the point where you feel you must move your legs constantly.

Laser therapy Endovenosa EVLT

Studies show that EVLT has a 98% success rate with excellent results initial long term. EVLT by Top Spider Vein Doctors is a nonsurgical procedure which involves placing a small catheter into veins. The laser energy affects the walls of the veins, causing the entire vein to disappear. This eliminates the bulging vein from its origin. A small number of patients report a slight numbness after the EVLT treatment, which passes quickly.

What are varicose veins and spider veins?

Veins that can be seen near the surface of the skin that are usually swollen and dark are varicose veins. They typically appear on the legs. Similarly, spider veins are like small varicose veins that appear near the surface of the skin.

Causes of Leg Heaviness

Vascular veins usually form when small valves in the veins break allowing blood to travel in the wrong direction. This causes the veins to swell and fill with stagnant blood. They can also appear deep under the skin, where it is not possible to see them.

However pregnancy, obesity and standing for long periods of time can help aggravate vein disease that does not mean that all these conditions are really the cause of the disease.

How the varicose veins and spider veins look:

They appear as enlarged and twisted dark red or blue lines under the skin. Many people describe them as being similar to a string and filiform.

Who is the best candidate for this treatment?

If you have a vein that has led to discomfort or bother with the appearance, you are a candidate for this treatment.

How many treatments are needed?

It is impossible to determine how many treatments or what kind of Treatment For Leg Heaviness is required without evaluating the problem. A non-invasive ultrasound test will be carried out if necessary and then an individualized treatment plan will be developed for you.

What can be expected after treatment?

You can return to your regular activities immediately and can return to your rigorous activities after 2 days. Some patients may experience raised hives and itching or tingling immediately after or during treatment that will resolve within a few hours. The blood vessels gradually clear up and disappear a few weeks after treatment, with the larger veins taking longer to disappear.

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Veins Face and Legs, Redness, Vinotinto Spots and Vascular Injuries 6 years ago

Many people suffer from veins in the face and legs, or redness or rosacea and ignore that there are places where they can treat those vascular problems that torment them so much with lasers. It's time to solve them at the Laser Vein Removal Centers.

Due to the size of the vessels, their colour and configuration, it is not possible to treat all veins and vascular pathologies with a single laser, it requires several lasers and techniques that are only available in  specialized laser clinics .


How does the laser work?

The laser produces a beam of strongly concentrated light; the green light produced by our laser is the key to the effect on the venous injury.

The red colour of the blood that is in the blood vessels absorbs the green light. The laser seals the vein and closes it and the vessel is absorbed by the body, disappearing.

Unlike other laser equipment that when closing the vein can leave a burn on the skin, our lasers have a device that cools the skin, protecting it and preventing it from burning during treatment.

What can you expect from the treatment?

The laser treatment for Vein Disease In Legs depends on the quantity, size and depth of the veins. Most patients require approximately 1 to 3 sessions. The prognosis is excellent and the improvement is between 80 to 90%. The sessions are held in our clinic, spacing it between 6 to 8 weeks.

The laser is not painful, it feels like little taps with a rubber. Most patients do not require anaesthesia. If needed, topical or local anaesthesia will be applied.

After the treatment by Veins Specialist Doctor, the appearance of the treated area varies from person to person, depending on the intensity of the treatment. This includes: redness, small scabs or slight pain that disappear in a short time.

The results are amazing and after the treatment the skin regains its natural colour.

Hemagiomas and Stains Red Wine:

Hemangiomas:  red or red wine tumours that appear in 3% to 10% of children. They are characterized for being of fast growth and they are constituted by vascular disorders that appear with numerous glasses of different size and fast growth. Although over time they stop growing can leave large aesthetic deformations and affect the functioning of some organs, and the rapid treatment of these with appropriate lasers is critical.

Red wine stains (PWS) : These are malformations caused by a lack of total or partial development of nerves around vessels. They can be flat or ecstasy. They are usually constituted by vessels of different diameters and therefore require several types of lasers to be treated such as: 532 nm, 1064 nm, 585 and 980nm.

USA Vein Clinics has several types of vascular lasers to treat these pathologies, since the vessels according to the diameter require different wavelengths to be treated.

In most cases a complete removal of this type of injuries and other substantial improvements in a high percentage is achieved. The number of sessions varies according to each injury.

The treatments of veins and vascular injuries at The Vein and Laser Clinic are safe and the care is minimal.

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Vascular spiders in legs: remove and eliminate 6 years ago

The spider veins on your legs are dilated blood vessels that can make a dark purple or pink tint, and sometimes sting; they annoy and disfigure the skin. There are different ways to eliminate them such as cream, some home remedies or even go to surgery that is very effective.

Remove spider veins from the legs


It is very common to see them in the thighs and in the area of ​​the ankles and feet. Sometimes some people also have them in the nose, although the lower part of the human body is the most common. Treatments to remove spider veins in legs can focus on their causes. If at the end of the day you see that they have a greater coloration or are as inflamed is that you should better circulation. It may be because you spend many hours standing or sitting too long. In any case it is very good that you walk a while or do some lower train exercise legs.

In addition to this, something that usually goes very well is the bathrooms with cold water. It relaxes the inflammation and reduces the swelling of the veins. Everything that is cold reduces swelling, so wrapping ice in a rag can be a wonder for the process of removing the spider legs. Do not exceed fifteen minutes because too cold is not good either. Be careful not to apply ice directly on the skin because it causes burns. If when you get home after work or a hard day you feel tired legs, you can do it at this time to rest better during the night.

Cream for spider veins

This is the best known treatment for Leg Heaviness and it has good results. Most women suffer from 35 or 40 years. They are very unsightly and if they can be eliminated why leave them there.

But not only for the legs, these creams can be used on any part of the body: feet, abdomen, face, nose and of course on the leg you see spider blood appear.

Treatment for spider veins in legs

The creams are very good treatment for Leg Heaviness but sometimes this is not enough. You can use home remedies such as baths and ointments but sometimes they have a limited effect and do not solve the problem.

The sclerotherapy is a treatment for Spider Veins On Legs that gives very good results as directly injected into the affected area dissolving substances small capillaries. It is an aesthetic medical procedure that has its action located inside the vein. It works very well with varicose veins, so the small capillaries of the spider on the skin can eliminate them in just a few days.

What is the Spider Vein Treatment Cost?

It depends a lot on the method you plan to use. The most economical, obviously is to buy a cream, and if you have rosehip oil use it, but, for the same price you go for the cream that is specific.

After these, you can think about the treatment of spider veins in legs and their price . Sclerotherapy is more expensive but is designed just for that. So honestly, it's the best you can do. It is an authentic solution.

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Treatment of Varicose Veins with the latest techniques 6 years ago

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are veins that become inflamed due to malfunction of the valves and walls that cover them. If these are not strong enough to carry blood against gravity and back to the heart, the blood returns and accumulates, causing inflammation, numbness, pain, fatigue and the appearance of the famous spider veins.

Did you know?


1 out of every 5 people in the world suffers from varicose veins. It is a medical condition that mainly affects women, however there are many men who suffer from it and that due to lack of care, they attend a medical specialist when the problem is already very advanced.

Treatments for varicose veins!

Laser endovenoso (EVLT)

Laser Ablation Treatment is a minimally invasive medical procedure to treat varicose veins almost definitively thanks to the elimination of the Saphenous Vein External. The malfunction of this vein is the root of the problem of varicose veins.

The Laser Ablation treatment consists of using the energy by thermal or laser to cauterize (burn) and close the varicose veins.

How is the endovenoso laser procedure (evlt)?

After applying local anesthesia, the medical specialist inserts a laser fiber into the vein using a catheter (tube); the laser emits thermal energy that heats the vein and permanently seals it to prevent blood circulating through it, disappearing or reducing its size. The blood is directed to other veins that are healthy.

What are the advantages of the energy laser (evlt)?

  • Outpatient treatment: The patient does not require hospitalization and can return to normal daily activities after RF Ablation.
  • It allows treating large veins.
  • Less painful than conventional surgery.
  • It is done under local anaesthesia.

Undefined laser disability time (evlt)?

The patient can return to his daily activity almost immediately, however he can receive a prescription of analgesics for general discomforts and small bruises may appear after the procedure, which disappear in a few weeks.

It is important to note that once the treatment is finished, the patient should not lift heavy objects (greater than 20 pounds) until one week after completion.

How long does last treatment laser (evlt) last?

  • The Sclerotherapy Treatment takes approximately one hour.
  • Non-invasive treatment of varicose veins
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  • The varicose veins are swollen, twisted, painful veins that have filled with blood.

Is Laser Ablation Safe

Varicose veins in most cases appear in the legs. They often protrude and are blue. Normally, the valves in your veins keep blood flowing to the heart, so it does not accumulate in one place.

Varicose vein valves may be damaged or absent. This causes the veins to fill with blood, especially when you are standing.

The following treatments to treat varicose veins can be done in the office of a health care provider or in a clinic. You will be given a local aesthetic to numb your leg.

Laser treatment can be used on the surface of the skin. A few small bursts of light will make the small varicose veins disappear. Your doctor will slide a flexible tube (catheter) up along the vein.

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What do you mean by leg spasm 6 years ago

Vein disease in legs in the legs is painful contractions of the leg muscles. Dehydration, as well as certain medications, excessive use and diseases that affect the brain and nervous system may be the cause of this.

What are vein diseases causes?


Most of the research findings suggest a disturbance in the functioning of dopamine, a substance present in the nervous system that is responsible for the regulation of movement. In turn, dopamine requires iron to function properly, and it has been seen that in patients with RLS there is a malfunction of iron and / or a decrease in deposits.

How can we cure varicose veins?

  1. To cure varicose veins in the legs, go for laser or sclerotherapy.
  2. The practice of physical exercise is just as important as adequate nutrition in the treatment of varicose veins.
  3. Some effective natural treatments for it. The following stand out:
  • Massages with apple cider vinegar.
  • Whirlpool in the shower alternating hot and cold water.
  • Apply aloe Vera pulp
  • Soothing massages with essential oils such as lavender, rosemary.      They are also ideal for stimulating blood circulation.

Is laser ablation safe – no it is not.

What is skin discoloration disease?

Skin de coloration disease causes patches (or spots) of the skin to turn white. This disease occurs when the cells that produce the color or pigment of the skin are destroyed. There is no specific cause for this pathology to develop. One of the most accepted theories today is that it is a problem of the body's immune system, by which it reacts against the pigment cells of the body. It can be genetic also.

What are varicose and spider veins?

Spider veins on legs are twisted veins that may be blue, red or skin-colored. Larger veins can be similar to a cord and make the skin protrude.

Spider veins are smaller than varicose veins. They tend to be red. They look like the branches of a tree or cobwebs. Spider veins are usually seen under the skin, but do not make it protrude like varicose veins. Compression hose for varicose veins can be found on the legs or on the face.

How much is spider vein treatment cost?

Spider vein treatment cost ranges from $1,500 to $3,000 in addition to fees charged by the hospital or surgical center.

What is involuntarily leg movement? What do you mean by legs moving at night?

The involuntarily leg movement is a syndrome, also called Willis-Ekbom disease, causes unpleasant or uncomfortable sensations in the legs and an irresistible urge to move them.

It is a sensor motor neurological disorder characterized by the unstoppable need to move the legs while you are resting.  It usually occurs during the night, so it seriously affects the quality of sleep of the person who suffers it.

What are the different spider vein removal creams?

Few creams to remove spider veins are as recommended by top varicose vein doctors -

  1. Invisible Veins
  2. Thrombocid
  3. Remescar
  4. Auriderm XO

Its function is to reduce the reddish appearance, reduce inflammation and the discomfort that sometimes cause. They have a vasodilator effect and favor the repair of small capillary vessels.

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What do you mean by night time cramping? 6 years ago

It refers to Waking up at night screaming in pain at the involuntary contracture of a muscle and we have to get up and give ourselves a massage, walk around the house for a while or practice stretching the aforementioned muscle so that the spasm goes down and the pain ends. So are the cramps, which stalk the muscle at rest and can give us the night.

 What is radiofrequency ablation recovery? What is rf ablation procedure?


This process by Best Spider Vein Doctor in which images and other tests are used to determine what causes it. It is called as an "electrophysiology study". The electrophysiology study is usually performed before the cardiac ablation in order to determine the most effective way to treat the arrhythmia.

Once the abnormal heart tissue that is causing the arrhythmia is identified, the doctor will direct the catheter tips to the area of the abnormal heart tissue. The energy will move through the tips of the catheter to create a scar or to destroy the tissue that causes the arrhythmia.

In some cases, ablation blocks electrical signals moving through the heart to stop the abnormal rhythm and, instead, allows the signals to travel in a normal way.

The energy used in the procedure can come from:

  • Extreme cold
  • Heat (radiofrequency)
  • Lasers

During the procedure done by Best Varicose Vein Doctor, you may feel a little discomfort when the catheter is moved in the heart and when energy is released. If you feel any type of severe pain or have difficulty breathing, tell the doctor.

What do you mean by laser therapy for varicose veins?

It is a very fast treatment that allows, eliminating and minimizing all the discomforts that lead to the veins being seen through the skin. In addition, when there are venous nodes and groups of veins in the legs it is also possible to use the laser for varicose veins.

External laser treatment by Best Vein Specialist is done for small spider veins and tiny varicose veins. Sometimes, this is a second step in the treatment, after a larger varicose vein has been treated with surgery, endogenous laser, radiofrequency treatment or sclerotherapy. You will be able to walk after the treatment, and the recovery period is usually short. You can probably go back to your normal daily routine after an external laser treatment..

What is the cure for varicose veins?

  1. Personal care (such as exercising, losing weight, not wearing tight clothes, raising the legs and avoiding standing or sitting for prolonged periods) can relieve pain and prevent varicose veins from getting worse.
  2. Other medical treatments recommended by Top Spider Vein Doctors are-
  • Sclerotherapy.
  • Sclerotherapy with large veins foam.
  • Laser treatment
  • Procedures assisted by catheter with radiofrequency or laser energy.
  • High ligation and extirpation of veins.
  • Ambulatory phlebotomy
  • Endoscopic vein surgery

What is thrombophlebitis?

Thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory process that causes blood clots to form, causing blockages in one or more veins, usually in the legs. The affected vein may be near the surface of the skin (superficial thrombophlebitis) or deep in a muscle (deep vein thrombosis). The causes include trauma, surgery or prolonged inactivity.

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What are the Treatments for leg cramps? 6 years ago

Spider Veins On Legs has happened to almost everyone: a sudden and painful cramp in the leg or foot wakes him up in the middle of the night.

The treatment are-


  1. Stretch
  2. Verify your medications
  3. Check your electrolytes
  4. Drink enough liquid
  5. Loosen the blankets
  6. Wear comfortable shoes

If you still not feel comfortable after these home remedies, go for a good consultant.

What do you mean painful varicose veins?

Chronic venous insufficiency , also known as painful varicose veins, are swollen veins because of an abnormal accumulation of blood due to the weakness, often inherited, in the walls and valves of superficial veins. This causes the veins to widen and dilate, so that blood easily accumulates when a person stands for a long time. Is Laser Ablation Safe – yes it is.

What is radiofrequency ablation treatment?

Laser Ablation Treatment is procedures in which radio waves are used destroy abnormal cells. Radio waves travel through electrodes. Laser Ablation can be used to treat cancer and other conditions.

The results are very good. Pain relief may last from 9 months to 2 years.

Spider Vein Treatment Cost is not very high.

Why the varicose veins problem arises during pregnancy?

As the uterus grows, it puts pressure on the large vein on the right side of the body (the inferior vena cava), which in turn increases the pressure on the veins of the legs. This causes varicose veins in pregnancy.

Few remedies are-

  • Exercise every day A simple return to the block at a rapid pace can improve your circulation.
  • Strive to stay within the recommended weight for the stage of pregnancy you are in.
  • Lift your feet and legs whenever you can. Use a stool or a box to rest your legs when you're sitting, and keep your feet up on a pillow when you're lying down.
  • Do not cross your legs or ankles
  • Do not remain seated or standing for long periods of time without pausing to move around a bit.

What is varicose veins natural treatment suggested by Vein Doctor Clifton?

  1. Blueberries
  2. Aloe Vera and garlic
  3. Horsetail
  4. Calendula
  5. Essential oils
  6. Cypress
  7. Horse Chestnut

Is rf ablation painful?

Catheter ablation, sometimes if radiofrequency is used, is known as radiofrequency catheter ablation, which can take about 4 hours or more. During that time the patient's heart will be very controlled and monitored, but symptoms and discomforts may occur such as burning, dizziness or a faster or stronger heartbeat. It is not painful but when radiofrequency is applied some people may feel slight discomfort in the chest. If you notice pain or pressure, it is important to tell the doctor.

What is restless leg?

Restless Legs Syndrome is a disorder of neurological origin, in which annoying sensations occur in the extremities (mainly the legs) during rest, for example when sitting or lying down. These discomforts cause the need to get up, walk and move. With movement, unpleasant sensations are relieved or disappear.

These are the few medical ailments suggested by Clifton Vein Doctor to get rid of it-

  • Dopamine agonists
  • Antiepileptic
  • Opioids

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What do you mean by leg twitching and leg spasms? 6 years ago

Cramps or spasms in the legs are painful contractions of the leg muscles.

A leg twitching and a leg spasms are both involuntary contractions but both are different from each other. A leg twitching is a short contraction that may occur repeatedly whereas the leg spasms is a prolonged contraction and causes long effects and pain.


How can we remove varicose veins?

There are many medical treatments like laser ablation treatment by which we can remove varicose veins. A few other are listed below

  • Sclera therapy
  • Laser treatment
  • laser ablation
  • Procedures assisted by catheter with radiofrequency or laser energy.
  • High ligation and extirpation of veins
  • Ambulatory phlebotomy
  • Endoscopic vein surgery

What is rf ablation treatment? Is rf ablation painful?

It refers to a treatment that is used to remove the varicose veins which are giving pain to the patient from so long. No, the radiofrequency treatment isn’t painful.

A small puncture will be felt when the local anesthetic is injected into the site of access to the vein and during injection of the local anesthetic into the length of the vein.

This area is numbed in a short time. You may feel slight pressure when the catheter is inserted, but it will not be a very big discomfort.

Injecting the local anesthetic around the abnormal vein is the most annoying part of the procedure because it usually requires multiple injections along the vein. The closure of the vein with laser or radiofrequency is usually not painful. Occasionally, some people perceive an odor or taste as something that is burning during the closing of the vein.

You can restart normal activity immediately after sclerotherapy treatment, with the exception of traveling by plane or sitting for a long time (for example, a long car trip). You must remain active and not spend too much time in bed during the recovery period as this increases the possibility of complications of coagulation. However, arduous physical activities should be avoided for a while after the procedure. So, it’s not painful after the treatment also.

Causes of venous insufficiency?

 Some people have more predisposition than others. People suffering from cancer or pregnant women see the risks of getting Venous insufficiency at a high scale. People who suffer from venous insufficiency (nervous system failure) and those who have heart problems (especially those who have a pacemaker) also have more risks than the average.

In addition, factors and situations must be taken into account. A long period of immobility such as a plane ride or prolonged bed rest increases the risks considerably. Venous insufficiency also has its causes in smoking, age and obesity.

What are the different ways for Restless leg treatment?

If you have restless legs syndrome without a related condition, the treatment focuses on changes in lifestyle. If these are not effective, the doctor can prescribe medication.

  • Drugs that increase dopamine in the brain.
  • Medications that affect calcium channels.
  • Opiodes
  • Muscle relaxants and sleeping medications.

 It may take several attempts for you and usa vein clinics doctor to find the right medication or combination of medications that work best for you.

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What is the radiofrequency ablation procedure? 6 years ago

The Best Vein Doctor In Clifton will insert the catheters through the sheath and guide them to various places inside the heart. The doctor may inject a dye into the catheter that helps the care team see the blood vessels and the heart by X-ray imaging.


 The electrophysiology study is usually performed before the cardiac ablation in order to determine the most effective way to treat the arrhythmia.

Once the abnormal heart tissue that is causing the arrhythmia is identified, the doctor will direct the catheter tips to the area of the abnormal heart tissue. The energy will move through the tips of the catheter to create a scar or to destroy the tissue that causes the arrhythmia.

What is stasis?

It refers to Detention of blood circulation which results in a stagnation of blood in an area of the body. This causes pain or other symptoms.

What is the Clifton Varicose Vein Treatment?

Some of the Varicose Vein Treatment Clifton are-:

  • Drugs that increase dopamine in the brain.
  • Medications that affect calcium channels.
  • Opiodes
  • Muscle relaxants and sleeping medications

What is the best treatment for spider veins?

Treatment options at Vein Clinic In Clifton include:

  • Sclerotherapy with micro foam
  • Laser treatments
  • Radiofrequency thermo coagulation

What is the varicose veins cure?

One of the treatments by Vein Specialist In Clifton for the most common varicose veins and that does not require any surgical procedure is sclerotherapy.

  • A placation of intense pulsed light. Between one and six treatments are required.
  • Laser therapy with transdermal heads, indicated for the small blood vessels of the face and legs.
  • Ligation: This is a surgical procedure in which the veins are removed or tied by means of an incision in the skin.
  • Endovenous ablation: use of a radiofrequency device connected by a catheter to the valve of the vein to seal it.

What is varicose veins remedy?

  • Cold water
  • Apple vinager
  • Fruits
  • Avocado
  • Vitamin K
  • Hot spicy

What are venous insufficiency symptoms?

It is a condition in which the veins have problems returning blood from the legs to the heart.

Symptoms are-

  • Severe pain, heaviness, or leg cramps
  • Itching and tingling
  • Pain that gets worse when standing
  • Pain that improves when you lift your legs
  • Swelling of the legs
  • Irritated or dry skin if scratched
  • Skin that is red or swollen, dry (stasis dermatitis)
  • Superficial varicose veins
  • ulcers on ankle

What do you mean by rf ablation recovery?

Depending on your illness, you may be able to return home the same day as the procedure or you may have to stay in the hospital. If you return home the same day, make plans for someone to take you home after the procedure.

You may feel a little sore after the procedure, but the pain will not last more than a week. You can usually go back to your usual activities a few days after the cardiac ablation. This technique by Clifton Vein Specialist doesn’t take lot of time in recovery.

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Method of treatment of veins disease 6 years ago

There are many methods of treatment, uniform for advanced clinical conditions. The most important are compression treatment and surgery. The use of compression garments regularly can help prevent or even stop the progression of the disease. Medical density stockings form the source of vein treatment. In disease progresses, the patient may develop thrombosis (blood clots) or even venous ulcers in the leg. If a blood clot breaks away from the venous wall and circulates through the venous system to the lung, a life-threatening situation is created, called pulmonary embolism.





Compression stockings are a common means of stopping the progression of venous insufficiency. With its precisely defined pressure, it mechanically counteracts venous valves that do not close properly. When the diameter of the veins in the legs narrows, the valves close again and the blood does not stagnate. The garments also stimulate the lymphatic flow and prevent its stagnation in the legs. Modern compression stockings are not distinguished today from other types of stockings. Whether its knee-length stockings with a fine ribbed design, semi-transparent knee-length stockings or pantyhose in an overwhelming range of colours: in a matter of fashion, there are no limits to compression stockings.

The best-known surgical technique is called “stripping “at veins treatment center. For this operation, a probe is inserted into the vein that is then removed from the leg through a small incision in the skin (stripped, in English). All affected trunk veins do not have to be removed. If only the upper part is affected, the trunk vein is left. This means that the healthy part of the vein is preserved. There are many different variants of "" stripping "" of veins. Another possibility is to block the defective vein. This is done by a crossectomy using laser treatment or radio waves at the vein clinic.

Stripping, the most common method

A probe is inserted by vein doctor through the affected vein from the thigh to the foot by best vein doctor. Next, the varix is ​​removed.

Chiva method

It consists in ligating the dilated veins so that the blood flows through the lateral branches. The main veins are preserved, which are not extracted.

Laser therapy

With a laser probe the vein is blocked from the inside; then the organism itself will absorb it.

Radio wave therapy

The process is similar to laser therapy done by vein doctor. A tiny probe is inserted through the veins and with radio waves a thermal sclerosis of the varicose veins is caused, which the organism will absorb later.


Sclerotherapy causes the adhesion of the vascular walls with an injection at vein treatment center. The body will absorb these clogged veins. In addition to the classic method there is also sclerosis with foam, consisting of introducing foam into the veins to sclerosar.

First half anti-seismic, then average compression

Immediately after a surgical procedure, an anti-seismic means is used. Then compression stockings must be used constantly. The vein doctors can prescribe them if necessary. The orthopaedics at the vein treatment center takes patients to measure the means. They are breathable and the wide range of colours allows varying. Source Article :

Effective laser for the treatment of spider legs. 6 years ago


These are telangiectasias (superficial blood vessels) with a diameter of 0.1 to 1 mm that are seen in the skin of the lower extremities. Usually they are arboriform, forming small threads of red or violet colour, of tortuous route. They may or may not have several ramifications. Likewise, they may have a common central trunk from which the ramifications depart. It is believed that up to 30-40% of women and 5-15% of men have spider veins on legs. They do not suppose any alteration of the health, but an aesthetic alteration.


How are spider veins treated in the legs?

There are two main types of treatment for leg heaviness: one is sclerotherapy treatment (injecting a chemical inside the vessels that causes its collapse) and laser ablation treatment (light systems that send very punctual heat to eliminate the vessels). There are different causes of leg heaviness.

For spider veins less than 1 mm in diameter, sclerotherapy is a difficult technique and not without adverse effects -hyper pigmentation, skin necrosis, thrombosis, allergic reactions-, which is why many authors prefer to use vascular lasers. There are different types of compression hose for varicose veins, whose target is the haemoglobin circulating inside the vessels. The pulsed dye laser has a very short action pulse, which usually causes the blood vessel to explode, causing purple (hematoma) of days. The laser concentrates the energy in the haemoglobin of the blood vessels, produces agglutination of the red blood cells inside the capillaries, and coagulation of the same. The likelihood of vessels exploding causing purple and / or hyper pigmentation is minimal with the laser. Spider vein treatment cost is not too much.

How effective is the laser for the treatment of fine spider legs?

There are several studies where the effectiveness of the laser ablation for the elimination of spider veins from the legs has been evaluated. First of all, the work of Spendel and colleagues stands out, in which 70 women aged between 19 and 50 years were evaluated with spider veins in the lower extremities without alteration in the deep venous circulation

For vascular spiders with diameters less than 1 mm, there was a reduction of more than 50% in thickness in 80% of the participants. The treatment with sclerosis in the same study showed that there were no significant changes in 88% of the participants whose spider veins had a diameter less than 0.7 mm. Therefore, in spider veins with diameters smaller than 0.7 mm, the effectiveness of the laser is much higher than that of sclerosis. However, for vessels larger than 0.7 mm, its effectiveness is lower. This result is in perfect agreement with the laser wavelength (532 nm), which positions it as an excellent treatment for superficial vascular lesions but not for deep or thick lesions. For thick or deep vascular structures, it is recommended to use lasers with a longer wavelength, such as Nd: YAG (1064 nm). Is laser ablation safe, yes it is completely safe.

In the study by Bernstein and colleagues, 20 women were treated with two laser sessions. In more than 70% of the treated patients a "significant" or "very significant" response was observed. All the participants were satisfied with the treatment and would recommend it.

Source Article :

Pathophysiology of Varicose Disease 6 years ago


Varicose disease is a more or less extensive dilation of the superficial venous network of the lower limbs, almost always with a tortuous disposition and with a permanent alteration of the vascular wall, accompanied or not by valvular insufficiency. Vein disease in legs occurs in 1 in 4 adult women, and 1 in 10 adult men.



There is a direct genetic predisposition in most patients and there are factors that determine the time of onset, among which are: pregnancy, use of contraceptives, hydro saline retention, orthotatism.

Most Common Symptoms

The clinical manifestations vary from one patient to another as the appearance of varicose dilatations can vary from small varicosities called telangiectasias, reticular varicose veins (green lines under the skin), or large tortuous varicose trunks. In turn, the colour varies depending on the type of skin and the amount of blood in the glass.

Regarding the symptomatology in a first period it is scarce generating only aesthetic discomfort, then in a second stage it begins to feel heaviness, fatigue especially at the end of the day, accompanied by pain of localization in ankles, calves.

The cramps and leg heaviness are also very frequent especially at night in the twin area.

It may also appear pruritus on the ankles and back of the foot and finally edema (swelling) that represents the failure of the regulation of fluid drainage.

The third stage is constituted by the permanence of the aforementioned disorders and there is coetaneous hyper pigmentation (dark skin called ochre or stasis dermatitis), hardening of the skin, intense pruritus, and sporadic reddening due to chronic inflammation (eczema).

In the fourth stage, the skin ulcer (difficult to treat and very slow to disappear), sometimes impossible to close, which is very susceptible to recurrent infections and if it takes the entire circumference of the leg occurs limb gangrene affected, this being the end of an uncontrolled disease. So it is must to consult veins specialist doctor in case of above symptoms.

How are they treated?

Telangiectasias are treated with sclerotherapy and laser, venectasias and reticular varices can be treated with sclerotherapy and microsurgery, and veins more dilated with surgery or endovascular laser. Best spider vein doctor can suggest you more about it.

What is sclerotherapy?

It is a treatment by best varicose vein doctor that involves the placement of a substance inside the vessels with which the occlusion of the same occurs and then with the passage of time the body reabsorbs it.

What is the micro foam?

Micro foam is the foam that is made with a sclerosing substance for the treatment of varicose veins. It is converted into foam to cover a larger amount of surface with the minimum amount of drug possible.

What is the laser treatment?

It is an intense light that is used to sclerosar varicose veins of small caliber called Trans dermal laser, or large caliber (endovascular laser).

Laser treatment is among the leading-edge treatments worldwide at laser vein removal centers.

What symptoms do they produce?

From the clinical point of view and according to the diameter and depth of the dilated vessels, varicose veins can be classified into: spider veins, venectasias, reticular varicose veins and varicose veins that deform the skin forming gulfs dilated.

Patients usually present with pain, heaviness, cramps and swelling of the legs, symptoms that constitute chronic venous insufficiency. There are different causes of venous insufficiency which varies from person to person.

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Know How to treat Vein problem? 6 years ago

  The varices are one of the most common medical and aesthetic problems that most concern women also can lead to long term complications. Spider veins and varicose veins arise due to malfunction of blood vessels, which tend to dilate.


 There are some factors that favour the appearance of varicose veins, such as standing for a long time, being overweight, sedentary lifestyle, hormonal disorders, and the use of contraceptives or genetic inheritance.


Treatment of the vein problem

The elimination of varicose veins through the technique of sclerosis with foam consists of the injection into the interior of a varicose vein of a sclerosing substance that causes irritation of the internal wall of the vein and subsequent fibrosis, causing the gradual disappearance of varicose veins. . Different concentrations are used according to the size of the varicose veins. The treatment by vein doctor is accompanied by compression measures, bandage or simply a compressive dressing, which leads to a better result.

 The treatment at the vein treatment center consists in introducing a very fine needle with which a medicine is injected that produces a controlled inflammatory reaction in the walls of the microvariz. With this, the vein is closed and the varicose vein disappears as such. Only at the time of injection will the patient notice a slight burning sensation that will disappear in 15-20 seconds.

 It is a treatment that is not conditioned by time and yes by the amount of medication injected. The treated varicose veins present after the session, and during the following days, a greater redness that is not worrisome. The microvaris disappears within 4-8 weeks.

 The sessions corresponding to a treatment of microvarices last between 30-60 minutes and are performed at intervals of 7-10 days at vein treatment center near me. Only one leg is treated per session.

 After the session and throughout the treatment, the sun exposure in the treated areas should be avoided.

The top vein specialists need to perform a previous medical history and a Doppler Vascular exam, to make sure that the deep venous system is normal and there is no important vascular disease. Because if this were not so, the treatment could not be carried out.

 Microvarices smaller than 1 mm in diameter smaller than any needle that we want to introduce and less than 2 mm deep, can be treated with Vascular Laser. But only these, the varicose veins, do not respond to the laser.

 It is important to note that the best vein specialist also prescribes a series of measures, advice, medications, creams, specific massages (lymphatic drainage, pressure therapy, LPG) with a preventive character.

It is very effective meso therapy treatment (administration of small doses of drugs through microinjections) in certain points of acupuncture and venous axis, to relieve the symptoms of itching, heaviness, pain, numbness and cramps, which are often much greater than the existence of the micro varices. The drugs that are injected, in our case, are homeopathic (they lack side effects). The treatment is usually done once a month in winter and every 15 days in summer.

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